Aaniyah focuses on work that connects people and nature. She has 15 years of experience in the conservation sector with a strong emphasis on finding the balance for what is good for the Earth and good for the people. Aaniyah is the founder and director of The Beach Co-op a non-profit organisation, registered in 2017, that aims to build communities that care for our marine environment. She has recently joined the Homeward Bound team to co-facilitate the science stream that brings together 109 STEMM women in 2022 from around the world for a yearlong online course focusing on the sustainability of our planet. Aaniyah is a founding fellow for the Women for the Environment in Africa leadership programme, in which she participated in 2021. She is a registered PhD student at the Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University.
What makes you YOU in one sentence?
I love the ocean and being outdoors – without it I would not be able to survive. I need time in wild places and away from the rat race to keep sane and happy.
How will your outlook on life improve the world?
I remain positive despite the odds. Always keen to work collectively and inclusively to address concerns and to co-create solutions.
Follow Aaniyah and the Beach Co-Op:
Facebook page: @Thebeachcoop
Instagram: @thebeachco_op
Twitter: @thebeachcoopza
Website: https://www.thebeachcoop.org